I am a creature of habit. This is my go to recipe for morning oats that I absolutely love.
I make the oats per the directions on the box. As soon as they reach your preferred consistency, you can slowly add in the egg whites. You have to continually stir. The oatmeal will thicken up quite a bit as the eggs cook in. Add blueberries, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt. Continue to stir, keep them over medium heat until the blueberries are warmed. Dump the somewhat fluffy pile Into a bowl and add syrup. That’s it! Oatmeal with flare!
½ cup oats
1 cup water
1 cup egg whites (muscle egg is perfect)
¼ cup blueberries
2 tablespoons Walden Farms Pancake Syrup
Dash of vanilla powder
Dash of cinnamon
Dash pink Himalayan salt